Positioner memory slots default

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Positioner memory slots default

Postby cmorethenu1958 » Wed Dec 28, 2016 7:27 pm

I have been using DVBDream3.1 with my TBS 6983 card.

I have an issue with the number of memory positions saved for the positioner. by default it is 59 but since the upgrade my version of DVBDream has set it back to 49 and can not be changed.

If I instal a separate copy of DVB Dream on the computer this copy has 59 positions.

Where are the positioner setting kept and how can they be changed back to a higher value.

Previous versions of DVBDream have not been a problem.

if there is a bug can the number of positioner memory spots be increased to 99 by default.
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Re: Positioner memory slots default

Postby rel » Thu Dec 29, 2016 9:20 am

In v3.2 (today released, it doesn't have any limit (although it will display a number like " / 49", you will be able to set & use more . Just try it
DVB Dream - because I have to dream about having time to code it

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