Scanning Inactive channels (having no PMT PIDs)

Suggestions and ideas for future versions

Moderators:X05, Dreamer, FredB

Jahabar Sadiq M
Just can't stay away
Joined:Thu Sep 22, 2016 10:32 am
Scanning Inactive channels (having no PMT PIDs)

Postby Jahabar Sadiq M » Fri Oct 28, 2016 4:50 am

Hi Team,

There are some cases where a TP has many slots with no PID values for PMT, VPID, APID. But these channels are not getting scanned in DVB Dream.

Though we cannot watch these channels, it will be helpful for sat feed hunters like me to know these additional things.

Is it possible to make DVB Dream to scan these slots as well? The option is available in one of the other software which can scan all the slots including inactive ones.

Not mentioning the name of the software here but I believe you are already aware of it.


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