Using DVBDream 17b and 17a)
I believe that there is a basic misunderstanding of the GotoX function. GotoX is intended to calculate a pointing angle to a specific satellite given the user latitude and longitude.
Currently the GotoX sends the DiSEqC for the satellite angle and does not correct for latitude and longitude.
I have a positioner here and 3 satellite receivers and a test instrument (Satlook Micro HD) and they all operate the positioner corrrectly using GotoX.
Here are some examples where the GotoX DiSEqC should command due south.
Set longitude to 0 degrees, set positioner to point to 0 degrees
DVBDream command: e0 31 6e d0 00
Satlook Micro HD command: e0 31 6e e0 00
Set longitude to 45E, set positioner to point to 45E
DVBDream command: e0 31 6e e2 d0 <----- (the last three nibbles should be 0, instead it says move 45 degrees !!!)
Satlook Micro HD command: e0 31 6e e0 00
Set longitude to 45W, set positioner to point to 45W
DVBDream command: e0 31 6e 02 d0 <----- (the last three nibbles should be 0 !!!)
Satlook Micro HD command: e0 31 6e e0 00
Here is an example using my latitude and longitude and setting GotoX for 13E Hotbird.
Set GotoX for 13E
DVBDream Command: eo 31 6e e0 d0 <--- this is move to 13 degrees from due south
Satlook Micro HD Command: e0 31 6e e1 4d <--- this is move to 20.8 degrees from due south which is the correct pointing angle for Hotbird at my Latitude and Longitude.
I have C Source for the correct calculation of the DiSEqC command and would be happy to provide this and discuss this in more detail if required.
Charles Putney
Positioner GotoX Not Working
Moderators:X05, Dreamer, FredB
Re: Positioner GotoX Not Working
I thought that I had responded to a PM about this long ago, but it seems that I cannot send any PMs. I tested version DVBDream17c using my positioner and the new Goto Orbital Position function and it works fine.
Charles Putney
Charles Putney
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