no hd-tv

the bugs that are most likely related to user configuration (like a specific hardware, codec or driver prob) or impossible to find a logical reason at the moment. The problems in this category might be fixed in future versions as users keep confirming them with additional information.

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no hd-tv

Postby duesselzauber » Fri Sep 10, 2010 3:03 am

Good afternoon together

with dvbdream 1.5e are there is no hd-stations when scan detected. message "no signal" on the respective transponders. material:

amd athlon 2 windows 7 64BIT
skystar usb 2 hd ci
thank you for your help and beautiful day
skystar usb 2 hd ci
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Joined:Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:50 am

Postby rel » Fri Sep 10, 2010 11:34 pm

attach your log files here

bda.log and dvbdream.log
DVB Dream - because I have to dream about having time to code it
Just popping in
Joined:Sat Dec 11, 2010 2:52 am

Postby 11206 » Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:16 am

same problem here

there are some frequencies that are shown as empty,and nothing is detected there, but ... there is :(

for example, i see the HD programs on 362.000 and 370.000 but dvb dream does not detect anything on 378.000

[4/9/2011 8:53:57 PM : 110031] UpdateChannels():Start
[4/9/2011 8:53:57 PM : 110031] UpdateChannels():2
[4/9/2011 8:53:57 PM : 110063] UpdateChannels():6
[4/9/2011 8:53:57 PM : 110078] LOF1/LOFSW/LOF2:5/0/0 b22Khz:00
[4/9/2011 8:53:57 PM : 110078] Tuning 362, V, 6900...
[4/9/2011 8:53:58 PM : 111031] Result of Tune() = 0 (LOCKED) in 953 ms
[4/9/2011 8:53:59 PM : 111219] Locked in 953 ms. Strength:100% Quality:100%
[4/9/2011 8:53:59 PM : 111328] PSI:---START--------------------------------------------
[4/9/2011 8:53:59 PM : 111328] PSI:StartParser...
[4/9/2011 8:54:03 PM : 115563] PSI:Parsing completed in 4235 ms. Found 6 channels:
[4/9/2011 8:54:03 PM : 115563] - 0) "UTV HD" Video:288
[4/9/2011 8:54:03 PM : 115563] - 1) "ATV" Video:559
[4/9/2011 8:54:03 PM : 115563] - 2) "RTL2" Video:166
[4/9/2011 8:54:03 PM : 115563] - 3) "Super RTL" Video:172
[4/9/2011 8:54:03 PM : 115578] - 4) "CCTV" Video:620
[4/9/2011 8:54:03 PM : 115578] - 5) "m2" Video:200
[4/9/2011 8:54:03 PM : 115578] PSI:---END--------------------------------------------
[4/9/2011 8:54:03 PM : 115578] UpdateChannels():Start
[4/9/2011 8:54:03 PM : 115578] UpdateChannels():2
[4/9/2011 8:54:03 PM : 115594] UpdateChannels():6
[4/9/2011 8:54:03 PM : 115610] LOF1/LOFSW/LOF2:5/0/0 b22Khz:00
[4/9/2011 8:54:03 PM : 115610] Tuning 370, V, 6900...
[4/9/2011 8:54:04 PM : 116563] Result of Tune() = 0 (LOCKED) in 953 ms
[4/9/2011 8:54:04 PM : 116750] Locked in 953 ms. Strength:100% Quality:100%
[4/9/2011 8:54:04 PM : 116860] PSI:---START--------------------------------------------
[4/9/2011 8:54:04 PM : 116860] PSI:StartParser...
[4/9/2011 8:54:09 PM : 121531] PSI:Parsing completed in 4671 ms. Found 3 channels:
[4/9/2011 8:54:09 PM : 121531] - 0) "TVR HD" Video:1511
[4/9/2011 8:54:09 PM : 121531] - 1) " Digi Sport HD" Video:3211
[4/9/2011 8:54:09 PM : 121531] - 2) "Nat Geo HD" Video:7011
[4/9/2011 8:54:09 PM : 121531] PSI:---END--------------------------------------------
[4/9/2011 8:54:09 PM : 121531] UpdateChannels():Start
[4/9/2011 8:54:09 PM : 121531] UpdateChannels():2
[4/9/2011 8:54:09 PM : 121547] UpdateChannels():6
[4/9/2011 8:54:09 PM : 121563] LOF1/LOFSW/LOF2:5/0/0 b22Khz:00
[4/9/2011 8:54:09 PM : 121563] Tuning 378, V, 6900...
[4/9/2011 8:54:20 PM : 133000] Result of Tune() = 1 (FAILED!! in 11437 ms )
[4/9/2011 8:54:23 PM : 135531] WARNING: Lock-Timeout (11437 ms)! Strength:0% Quality:0%
[4/9/2011 8:54:23 PM : 135547] LOF1/LOFSW/LOF2:5/0/0 b22Khz:00
[4/9/2011 8:54:23 PM : 135547] Tuning 426, V, 6900...
[4/9/2011 8:54:24 PM : 136500] Result of Tune() = 0 (LOCKED) in 953 ms
[4/9/2011 8:54:24 PM : 136688] Locked in 953 ms. Strength:100% Quality:100%

i have attached a screenshot (clipboard1.jpg ) from the official software delivered by TerraTec which finds without problem that programs :( the issue with that software is that i don`t like the UI and the way programs are sorted, so i bought DVB Dream


hope you have an idea

ps. one thing is common to all those not found programs, they are 256QAM while all the rest are 64QAM. i`ve tried adding a manual search over that 378.000 with 256QAM still nothing found, maybe is a bug there
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device: Cinergy HTC USB XS HD (DVB-C Tuner)
program: DVD Dream 2.2b
Just can't stay away
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Postby reeven » Sat Apr 16, 2011 2:36 am

rumeno, rumeno.

You need to modify 5000.ini transponder.

Ma a new transponder( or copy one) and paste this:

2=DVB-C Europe


Some channels are on 256, some 128.

354 e pe 128
402 e pe 128
330,338 e pe 128 cred.

Use 2 transponder, DEFAULT one ( 5000.ini) scan with that and 256 qam.
Then paste tis into a new one, scan.

In romanian language:

pentru dvbdream, e mai ciudat, sa zicem ca in transponderul 5000.ini default ai urmatoarele:

si trebuie schimbat "V" cu 7( inseamna 256QAM) sau cu 4(inseamna 64QAM), si faci alta lista de genul:

2=DVB-C Europe


pentru 256QAM, pt ce nu gaseste cu lista asta faci alt transponer, numit 5001.ini de ex, si schimbi 7 cu 4 de ex.

frecventele 330,338 au facut gasite cu transponderul default, doar le-am selectat din lista
402 a fost gasit cu 6 in loc de V in lista( adica 128QAM in lista)
celelalte canale au fost gasite cu 7 in loc de V in lista( adica 256qam)
terratec cinergy htc xs hd , haupphage hvr 930c, sundtek mediapro, msi digivox II
all sticks with empia 2885 chipset.
Just can't stay away
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Postby reeven » Sat Apr 16, 2011 2:43 am

I use also Dvblink+ MCE, Dvbviewer, etc.

Dvbviewer find all channels( no config must be set), only 6900, and that is it.

In dvblink same problem as in dvbdream, only some chs are found.
And they tell me to modify transponder to add 256qam.

BUT, transponder list from dvbviewer is not compatible with dvbdream, or viceversa.

Even with that new transponder for dvbdream, sometimes ch are not found, you need to test again till it find all ch.

Here are my ch list( paste it into c/dvbdream):

Also, dvbdream has an critical bug, when you watch tv, image freeze, you are force to close program, then after restart dvbdream not starting, because des.dll ( the only solution that work is to uninstall and install again dvbdream, and paste your config......)
terratec cinergy htc xs hd , haupphage hvr 930c, sundtek mediapro, msi digivox II
all sticks with empia 2885 chipset.
Just popping in
Joined:Sat Dec 11, 2010 2:52 am

Postby 11206 » Wed Apr 20, 2011 2:18 pm

@reeven - it took some time to find the missing frequencies, but now it works

thank you very much
device: Cinergy HTC USB XS HD (DVB-C Tuner)
program: DVD Dream 2.2b
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Joined:Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:50 am

Re: no hd-tv

Postby rel » Wed May 11, 2011 6:07 am

Good afternoon together

with dvbdream 1.5e are there is no hd-stations when scan detected. message "no signal" on the respective transponders. material:

amd athlon 2 windows 7 64BIT
skystar usb 2 hd ci
thank you for your help and beautiful day
follow the problem in this post please

@11206 and reeven : there will be a fix for cable/terrestrial frequency lists in next versions soon (although not in upcoming v1.5f)
DVB Dream - because I have to dream about having time to code it

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