diseqc patch TEST for Technotrend and SkyStarHD BDA driver

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diseqc patch TEST for Technotrend and SkyStarHD BDA driver

Postby rel » Sun Mar 21, 2010 2:10 pm

extract the following file into DVBDream \devices folder.

http://www.dvbdream.org/files/bda_20100 ... StarHD.rar

Please let me know about your test results. and post bda.log (from devices folder) here if you get any error or if it doesnt work.
DVB Dream - because I have to dream about having time to code it
Just popping in
Joined:Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:34 pm

Postby ENG_TEKA » Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:44 pm

hello rel
thx for ur great work .
i have problem with all of bda driver u release , the problem is i can scan and watch all dvb-s channels fine but dvbdream can`t tune to dvb-s2 channel in 8psk modulation . i try other programs and i specify the method of modulation as 8psk 8VSB . any help to fix that ?

i use dvbdream v1.5 beta 7 , win 7 32

cpu q6600 , ram 2 G and twinhan AD SP-400

thanks in advance .

here is my bda.log

[03/23/10 01:41:48 : ] >> DeviceGetList
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : ] - Filter [DTV-DVB Mantis DVBS BDA Receiver]
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : ] << DeviceGetList pDL->Count:1
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : ] StartDevice() dwDeviceNo:0
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : ] >> DeviceGetList
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : ] - Filter [DTV-DVB Mantis DVBS BDA Receiver]
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : ] << DeviceGetList pDL->Count:1
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 16] BDA Device Name: [DTV-DVB Mantis DVBS BDA Receiver] (Tuner Type:1)
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 16] add_filter (DTV-DVB Mantis DVBS BDA Receiver)
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 47] add_filter (Microsoft DVBS Network Provider)
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 47] TuningSpace Name: 'Antenna' NetworkType: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 47] TuningSpace Name: 'ATSC' NetworkType: {0DAD2FDD-5FD7-11D3-8F50-00C04F7971E2}
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 47] TuningSpace Name: 'ATSCCable' NetworkType: {0DAD2FDD-5FD7-11D3-8F50-00C04F7971E2}
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 47] TuningSpace Name: 'AuxIn1' NetworkType: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 47] TuningSpace Name: 'Cable' NetworkType: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 47] TuningSpace Name: 'ClearQAM' NetworkType: {143827AB-F77B-498D-81CA-5A007AEC28BF}
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 47] TuningSpace Name: 'DD2 DVB-S' NetworkType: {FA4B375A-45B4-4D45-8440-263957B11623}
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 47] Enumeration found 7 tuning spaces
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 63] Found TuningSpace
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 63] BDACardType: 7
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 63] GetTunerInterfaces: Pin types (2) :
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 63] GetTunerInterfaces: Pin 0 Type = Input
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 63] GetTunerInterfaces: Pin 1 Type = Output
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 63] GetTunerInterfaces: Node types (2):
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 63] GetTunerInterfaces: Node 0 Type = 0
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 63] GetTunerInterfaces: Node 1 Type = 1
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 63] GetTunerInterfaces: Node interfaces:
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 63] GetTunerInterfaces: Interfaces on NodeType 0 (5 interfaces):
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 63] GetTunerInterfaces: {992CF102-49F9-4719-A664-C4F23E2408F4} IID_IBDA_LNBInfo
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 63] GetTunerInterfaces: {71985F47-1CA1-11D3-9CC8-00C04F7971E0} IID_IBDA_FrequencyFilter
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 63] GetTunerInterfaces: {1347D106-CF3A-428A-A5CB-AC0D9A2A4338} IID_IBDA_SignalStatistics
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 63] GetTunerInterfaces: {F84E2AB0-3C6B-45E3-A0FC-8669D4B81F11} Unknown Interface
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 63] GetTunerInterfaces: {AAAAAAAA-9654-4149-AD5A-F39339815538} Unknown Interface - QueryInterface FAILED ! - hr = 0x80004002
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 63] GetTunerInterfaces: Interfaces on NodeType 1 (1 interfaces):
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 63] GetTunerInterfaces: {EF30F379-985B-4D10-B640-A79D5E04E1E0} IID_IBDA_DigitalDemodulator
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 63] add_filter (DTV-DVB Mantis DVBS Caputre BDA Receiver)
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 78] add_filter (Sample Grabber)
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 78] add_filter (MPEG-2 Demultiplexer)
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 78] add_filter (BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter)
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 94] StartDevice() OK
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 94] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[03/23/10 01:41:48 : 94]
[03/23/10 01:42:00 : 11965] StopDevice()
twinhan ad sp-400 , ati 4670 , q6600 2G RAM . OS win 7 32 .
Just popping in
Joined:Mon Mar 22, 2010 12:41 pm

Postby triovi » Sat Mar 27, 2010 7:38 am

hello rel
i have a problem with this new bda. I use it with my Tevii S660 + Dvbdream1.4 on windows 7 32bit. After a 3-4 seconds the program crash anything I do.
An another problem is with the positioner console, with this new bda I can move the motor left-right and preset position on motor memory, I can't move with Usals comand and angle.
And I have the same problem with ENG_TEKA regarding the dvb-s2.

I attached the bda.log
[03/27/10 16:26:02 : ] >> DeviceGetList
[03/27/10 16:26:02 : ] - Filter [TeVii DVB-S/S2 Receiver]
[03/27/10 16:26:02 : ] << DeviceGetList pDL->Count:1
[03/27/10 16:26:02 : ] StartDevice() dwDeviceNo:0
[03/27/10 16:26:02 : ] >> DeviceGetList
[03/27/10 16:26:02 : ] - Filter [TeVii DVB-S/S2 Receiver]
[03/27/10 16:26:02 : ] << DeviceGetList pDL->Count:1
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 766] BDA Device Name: [TeVii DVB-S/S2 Receiver] (Tuner Type:1)
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 766] add_filter (TeVii DVB-S/S2 Receiver)
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 797] add_filter (Microsoft DVBS Network Provider)
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 797] TuningSpace Name: 'Antenna' NetworkType: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 797] TuningSpace Name: 'ATSC' NetworkType: {0DAD2FDD-5FD7-11D3-8F50-00C04F7971E2}
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 797] TuningSpace Name: 'ATSCCable' NetworkType: {0DAD2FDD-5FD7-11D3-8F50-00C04F7971E2}
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 797] TuningSpace Name: 'AuxIn1' NetworkType: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 797] TuningSpace Name: 'Cable' NetworkType: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 797] TuningSpace Name: 'ClearQAM' NetworkType: {143827AB-F77B-498D-81CA-5A007AEC28BF}
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 797] TuningSpace Name: 'DD2 DVB-S' NetworkType: {FA4B375A-45B4-4D45-8440-263957B11623}
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 797] Enumeration found 7 tuning spaces
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 797] Found TuningSpace
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 797] BDACardType: 18
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] GetTunerInterfaces: Pin types (2) :
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] GetTunerInterfaces: Pin 0 Type = Input
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] GetTunerInterfaces: Pin 1 Type = Output
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] GetTunerInterfaces: Node types (2):
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] GetTunerInterfaces: Node 0 Type = 0
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] GetTunerInterfaces: Node 1 Type = 1
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] GetTunerInterfaces: Node interfaces:
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] GetTunerInterfaces: Interfaces on NodeType 0 (5 interfaces):
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] GetTunerInterfaces: {992CF102-49F9-4719-A664-C4F23E2408F4} IID_IBDA_LNBInfo
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] GetTunerInterfaces: {71985F47-1CA1-11D3-9CC8-00C04F7971E0} IID_IBDA_FrequencyFilter
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] GetTunerInterfaces: {1347D106-CF3A-428A-A5CB-AC0D9A2A4338} IID_IBDA_SignalStatistics
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] GetTunerInterfaces: {16FAAC60-9022-D420-1520-D9EB716F6EC9} Unknown Interface - QueryInterface FAILED ! - hr = 0x80004002
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] GetTunerInterfaces: {F84E2AB0-3C6B-45E3-A0FC-8669D4B81F11} Unknown Interface
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] GetTunerInterfaces: Interfaces on NodeType 1 (2 interfaces):
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] GetTunerInterfaces: {EF30F379-985B-4D10-B640-A79D5E04E1E0} IID_IBDA_DigitalDemodulator
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] GetTunerInterfaces: {1347D106-CF3A-428A-A5CB-AC0D9A2A4338} IID_IBDA_SignalStatistics
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] tevii_init() 1
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] tevii_init() 2
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] Createeeee x
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] FindCard() Tuner:01b21d04
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] IsTevii
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] d1
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] d2
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] d3
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] DD -2147023726 0
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] DD hr FAIL
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] DD type support FAIL
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] d4 0
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] d1
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] IsTevii
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] d1
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] d2
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] d3
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] DD 0 2
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] DD hr S_OK
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] DD type support OK
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] d5 31
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] FindCard() m_type = 2
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] tevii_init() 3
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 813] add_filter (Sample Grabber)
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 828] add_filter (MPEG-2 Demultiplexer)
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 828] add_filter (BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter)
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 828] tevii_after_graph_start()
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 828] Started IR-RC thread
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 844] StartDevice() OK
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 844] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 844]
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 844] Tevii RC: Starting...
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 844] StartIR() 1
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 844] StartIR() 2
[03/27/10 16:26:03 : 844] Tevii RC: Started
[03/27/10 16:26:04 : 2047]
[03/27/10 16:26:04 : 2047] SetTuner() 12643000, H, 27500000 Mod:0 LOF:10600000 22Khz:1
[03/27/10 16:26:05 : 3047] Status: Locked
[03/27/10 16:26:05 : 3047] Locked bSignalLocked:1 bSignalPresent:1 lStrength:71 lQuality:31
[03/27/10 16:27:31 : 88719] SendDiseqc() E0 31 6B 01 Len:4
[03/27/10 16:27:31 : 88719] tevii_send_diseqc()
[03/27/10 16:27:32 : 90063]
[03/27/10 16:27:32 : 90063] SetTuner() 12643000, H, 27500000 Mod:0 LOF:10600000 22Khz:1
[03/27/10 16:27:33 : 91344]
[03/27/10 16:27:33 : 91344] SetTuner() 12643000, H, 27500000 Mod:0 LOF:10600000 22Khz:1
[03/27/10 16:27:35 : 93344]
[03/27/10 16:27:35 : 93344] SetTuner() 12643000, H, 27500000 Mod:0 LOF:10600000 22Khz:1
[03/27/10 16:27:37 : 95219] Status: Locked
[03/27/10 16:27:37 : 95219] Locked bSignalLocked:1 bSignalPresent:1 lStrength:75 lQuality:97
[03/27/10 16:27:39 : 97344]
[03/27/10 16:27:39 : 97344] SetTuner() 12643000, H, 27500000 Mod:0 LOF:10600000 22Khz:1
[03/27/10 16:27:40 : 98422] Status: Locked
[03/27/10 16:27:40 : 98422] Locked bSignalLocked:1 bSignalPresent:1 lStrength:74 lQuality:40
[03/27/10 16:27:41 : 99344]
[03/27/10 16:27:41 : 99344] SetTuner() 12643000, H, 27500000 Mod:0 LOF:10600000 22Khz:1
[03/27/10 16:27:43 : 101360]
[03/27/10 16:27:43 : 101360] SetTuner() 12643000, H, 27500000 Mod:0 LOF:10600000 22Khz:1
[03/27/10 16:27:44 : 102266] Status: Locked
[03/27/10 16:27:44 : 102266] Locked bSignalLocked:1 bSignalPresent:1 lStrength:71 lQuality:29
[03/27/10 16:27:45 : 103344]
[03/27/10 16:27:45 : 103344] SetTuner() 12643000, H, 27500000 Mod:0 LOF:10600000 22Khz:1
[03/27/10 16:27:47 : 105344]
[03/27/10 16:27:47 : 105344] SetTuner() 12643000, H, 27500000 Mod:0 LOF:10600000 22Khz:1
[03/27/10 16:27:49 : 107344]
[03/27/10 16:27:49 : 107344] SetTuner() 12643000, H, 27500000 Mod:0 LOF:10600000 22Khz:1
[03/27/10 16:27:51 : 109344]
[03/27/10 16:27:51 : 109344] SetTuner() 12643000, H, 27500000 Mod:0 LOF:10600000 22Khz:1
[03/27/10 16:27:53 : 111344]
[03/27/10 16:27:53 : 111344] SetTuner() 12643000, H, 27500000 Mod:0 LOF:10600000 22Khz:1
[03/27/10 16:27:55 : 113344]
[03/27/10 16:27:55 : 113344] SetTuner() 12643000, H, 27500000 Mod:0 LOF:10600000 22Khz:1
[03/27/10 16:27:57 : 115344]
[03/27/10 16:27:57 : 115344] SetTuner() 12643000, H, 27500000 Mod:0 LOF:10600000 22Khz:1
[03/27/10 16:27:59 : 117203]
[03/27/10 16:27:59 : 117203] SetTuner() 10714000, H, 22000000 Mod:0 LOF:9750000 22Khz:0
[03/27/10 16:27:59 : 117344]
[03/27/10 16:27:59 : 117344] SetTuner() 12643000, H, 27500000 Mod:0 LOF:10600000 22Khz:1
teviis660/dm2800/ofset 0.8m/windows 7

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