{BDA 9005 USB DVB STICK} afatech 9005

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{BDA 9005 USB DVB STICK} afatech 9005

Postby Synck » Sat Dec 29, 2007 3:22 pm

I'm using a noname usb stick with an afatech 9005 chip, dvbdream 1.4g on a Windows XP machine. I used to utilize BlazeDTV software but it won't do what I want. I think there is some kind of driver installed together with the blazedtv software but I also installed the latest afatech driver.

Dvbdream can only find and display channels after I've used the blazedtv software. So after starting the PC, I start blazedtv, select a channel, shut down blazedtv and then I start dvbdream.

With dvbdream I can only watch the channel I selected with blazedtv. All the other 10 channels are recognized as data channels. The statistics bar of the channel I can watch looks normal, but on the channels I can't watch all the values are zero accept "received TS" is increasing (sometimes V request is -1). The level is always (all 11 channels) 64% or 88% and the quality is 100%.
Log part of unwatchable channel (keeps repeating):
[29/12/2007 22:42:11 : 266984] Signal Level: 88% Continuity Errors: 0 Received TS: 54656
[29/12/2007 22:42:11 : 266984] WARNING: No TS pid filters set!
[29/12/2007 22:42:12 : 268078] WARNING: No TS pid filters set!
[29/12/2007 22:42:13 : 269172] WARNING: No TS pid filters set!
[29/12/2007 22:42:14 : 270265] WARNING: No TS pid filters set!
[29/12/2007 22:42:15 : 271359] WARNING: No TS pid filters set!
[29/12/2007 22:42:16 : 272453] WARNING: No TS pid filters set!
[29/12/2007 22:42:17 : 273562] WARNING: No TS pid filters set!
[29/12/2007 22:42:18 : 274640] WARNING: No TS pid filters set!
[29/12/2007 22:42:19 : 275734] WARNING: No TS pid filters set!
[29/12/2007 22:42:20 : 276828] WARNING: No TS pid filters set!
[29/12/2007 22:42:21 : 277812] Signal Level: 88% Continuity Errors: 0 Received TS: 57092
[29/12/2007 22:42:22 : 277922] WARNING: No TS pid filters set!
[29/12/2007 22:42:23 : 279015] WARNING: No TS pid filters set!
Extra info:
I'm using the FFDShow codec for audio and video.
Overlay mixer thing.
I tried the native BDA driver and the BDA_ALL driver.
Noname usb dvb-t stick with afatech 9005 chip
Joined:Sun Jan 20, 2008 5:34 am

Same Problem

Postby ozy123 » Sun Jan 20, 2008 5:35 am

I have the exact same problem, same device and sam eissue on Win XP in the UK.
afatech AF9005
Win XP

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