DD don't start with Twinhan 1034 Mantis

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DD don't start with Twinhan 1034 Mantis

Postby kolo1 » Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:48 am

Hello !
DD ver 1.4h and 1.4i don' start at all With Twinhan 1034 Mantis
DD1.4g works good but crashes on some freq. when scanning Astra 19 E
f.ex. can't scan ORF channels at all.
Atteched ZIP-file with some logfiles and screenshots in JPG,LOG and TXT
(395.98KiB)Downloaded 435 times
Twinhan 1034-CI Mantis (BDA)
HP EVO 550 computer
Win XP/pro
At the moment built in audio
NVidia GeForce3

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