frozen app/call stack popup when recording

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frozen app/call stack popup when recording

Postby jdgd » Fri May 16, 2008 5:30 pm

I was recording a show onto a network drive (nfs) and got an exception, but the recording continued. dvbdream 1.4ip1

Just happened twice so I include both times:

Code: Select all

2.1 Date : Fri, 16 May 2008 17:06:34
2.2 Address: 7C90EB94
2.3 Module : ntdll.dll
2.4 Type : EFrozenApplication
2.5 Message: The application seems to be frozen.

Call Stack Information:
|Address |Module |Unit |Class |Procedure/Method |Line |
| Exception Thread: ID=2772; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|7C90EB94|ntdll.dll | | |KiFastSystemCall | |
|7C90DD07|ntdll.dll | | |ZwOpenFile | |
|7C90F1CB|ntdll.dll | | |RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN | |
|7C90F0A5|ntdll.dll | | |RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString| |
|7C812803|kernel32.dll| | |GetDiskFreeSpaceExW | |
|7C8303C2|kernel32.dll| | |GetDiskFreeSpaceExA | |
|00578561|dvbdream.exe|main.pas |Tfmain |TmrTimer |6053[450]|
|7E4196C2|user32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | |
|7E4196B8|user32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | |
|005BEDCF|dvbdream.exe|dvbdream.dpr | | |1347[419]|
| |
| Running Thread: ID=2944; Priority=0; Class=TWorkerThread |
|7C90E9BE|ntdll.dll | | |NtWaitForSingleObject | |
|7C802540|kernel32.dll| | |WaitForSingleObjectEx | |
|7C80252D|kernel32.dll| | |WaitForSingleObject | |
|7C802520|kernel32.dll| | |WaitForSingleObject | |
|004DB205|dvbdream.exe|VirtualTrees.pas|TWorkerThread |Execute |5067[3] |
| Calling Thread: ID=2772; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|004DB15B|dvbdream.exe|VirtualTrees.pas|TWorkerThread |Create |5032[3] |
|004DB11C|dvbdream.exe|VirtualTrees.pas|TWorkerThread |Create |5029[0] |
|004DB0B2|dvbdream.exe|VirtualTrees.pas| |AddThreadReference |4982[9] |
|004DB080|dvbdream.exe|VirtualTrees.pas| |AddThreadReference |4974[1] |
|004E4246|dvbdream.exe|VirtualTrees.pas|TBaseVirtualTree |Create |11307[87]|
|004E3F7C|dvbdream.exe|VirtualTrees.pas|TBaseVirtualTree |Create |11220[0] |
|004FCCFE|dvbdream.exe|VirtualTrees.pas|TCustomVirtualStringTree|Create |28561[1] |
|7E4207B1|user32.dll | | |SystemParametersInfoA | |
|7C9010ED|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|005BE0C1|dvbdream.exe|dvbdream.dpr | | |964[36] |
And another one:

Code: Select all

2.1 Date : Fri, 16 May 2008 17:25:42
2.2 Address: 7C90EB94
2.3 Module : ntdll.dll
2.4 Type : EFrozenApplication
2.5 Message: The application seems to be frozen.

Call Stack Information:
|Address |Module |Unit |Class |Procedure/Method |Line |
| Exception Thread: ID=2772; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|7C90EB94|ntdll.dll | | |KiFastSystemCall | |
|7C90E232|ntdll.dll | | |ZwQueryVolumeInformationFile| |
|7C90F1CB|ntdll.dll | | |RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN | |
|7C90F0A5|ntdll.dll | | |RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString| |
|7C812803|kernel32.dll| | |GetDiskFreeSpaceExW | |
|7C8303C2|kernel32.dll| | |GetDiskFreeSpaceExA | |
|00578561|dvbdream.exe|main.pas |Tfmain |TmrTimer |6053[450]|
|7E4196C2|user32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | |
|7E4196B8|user32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | |
|005BEDCF|dvbdream.exe|dvbdream.dpr | | |1347[419]|
| |
| Running Thread: ID=2944; Priority=0; Class=TWorkerThread |
|7C90E9BE|ntdll.dll | | |NtWaitForSingleObject | |
|7C802540|kernel32.dll| | |WaitForSingleObjectEx | |
|7C80252D|kernel32.dll| | |WaitForSingleObject | |
|7C802520|kernel32.dll| | |WaitForSingleObject | |
|004DB205|dvbdream.exe|VirtualTrees.pas|TWorkerThread |Execute |5067[3] |
| Calling Thread: ID=2772; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|004DB15B|dvbdream.exe|VirtualTrees.pas|TWorkerThread |Create |5032[3] |
|004DB11C|dvbdream.exe|VirtualTrees.pas|TWorkerThread |Create |5029[0] |
|004DB0B2|dvbdream.exe|VirtualTrees.pas| |AddThreadReference |4982[9] |
|004DB080|dvbdream.exe|VirtualTrees.pas| |AddThreadReference |4974[1] |
|004E4246|dvbdream.exe|VirtualTrees.pas|TBaseVirtualTree |Create |11307[87]|
|004E3F7C|dvbdream.exe|VirtualTrees.pas|TBaseVirtualTree |Create |11220[0] |
|004FCCFE|dvbdream.exe|VirtualTrees.pas|TCustomVirtualStringTree|Create |28561[1] |
|7E4207B1|user32.dll | | |SystemParametersInfoA | |
|7C9010ED|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|005BE0C1|dvbdream.exe|dvbdream.dpr | | |964[36] |
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Postby rel » Fri May 16, 2008 10:03 pm

your NFS path begins with "\\" right ?
DVB Dream - because I have to dream about having time to code it
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Joined:Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:50 am

Postby rel » Fri May 16, 2008 10:22 pm

ok saw the bug and fixed. (bug-fix will be available in next version or patch)
DVB Dream - because I have to dream about having time to code it
Just can't stay away
Joined:Thu Oct 11, 2007 6:25 pm

Postby jdgd » Sat May 17, 2008 8:31 am

My NFS path did not begin with \\. It was a normal drive letter, x:\whatever\

net use x: \\comp\share

Hope it is the same bug.

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