DD can not find des.dll

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DD can not find des.dll

Postby ilpippo » Fri May 28, 2010 8:32 am

This problem has already been reported in the past, but I could find no solution around...
I generally keep my pc turned on for days without rebooting, and after a while the error message "DD can not find des.dll" randomly appears on dvbdream startup, even if the dll is there. If I reboot the pc, the problem goes (temporarily) away.
I noticed that the problem may be caused by the fact that after a while windows gives an high number to the process id of new processes. It seems that if the pid is greater than 65535 (more than 16 bits) the error message appears, if it is lower it does not. I guess that it could be a problem of the packer used for des.dll...
I had this problem with xp sp3, and I still have it with win7 x64, both with the old free version and with the trial of the new 1.5 version.
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Re: DD can not find des.dll

Postby rel » Sat Oct 13, 2012 4:18 am

should be fixed in latest versions
DVB Dream - because I have to dream about having time to code it

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