Some minor bugs and improvements

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Some minor bugs and improvements

Postby SuppaMan150150 » Sat Mar 23, 2019 4:33 pm

I noticed some minor bugs and some things that can be improved in the program. I have compiled this list:

1. Missing translation string
In the translation file (I search into english one) some strings of words (also entire sections) are missing. Can you add all of the program strings into the file (or give me the name of them, if it exist) or make them translatable?
I'll give you some screenshot: ... 2fQ7mRz7VK ... YyQcfsaAv5

2. Some words are long in my language!
In my language some words are longer than the english corresponding ones. Can you make the spaces larger? I attach some example: ... wh4vHbufUX ... woHGpieoFB ... jRrFZttaJR

3. I do not really like that logo...
...can you provide an option to disable it? ... vk-ngjBbTz

4. Default zoom
By default in the "video" window some zoom is selected, so the video was not completely sharp. Can you make the zoom be 0 by default? ... Cbm7KUYBhw

5. Background windows hide
When any windows is selected and I click around it in the main window, I can't select it again. Can the little windows be set to "stay on top"? Check the attached video :) ... HjILAR29GP

6. Blind scanner crash
Nothing to specify... Check the attached video... ... NBbJLLEdD5

7. Remote channel list not filtering
Nothing to specify... Check the attached video...
Ah. why this section is named "Remote"? Its function is only to order via LCN? If, yes, why not simply call it "LCN"?
Can these sections (general, favorites, remote) be ordered or hided? ... LIJ7539PKu

8. Real time prioricy is not set
Nothing to specify... Check the attached video... ... mAAIssNh69

9. Strange behaviour in channel list
Nothing to specify... Check the attached video... ... rNt6tBFLy1

I hope these bugs can be solved and these small requests can be implemented to make the program better and better!
Thank you so much!
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Re: Some minor bugs and improvements

Postby alexi » Mon Apr 01, 2019 3:13 pm

6. Blind scanner crash
Which hardware do you use?
Do you use DVB-T/T2 C/C2 or S/S2?


Skystar 2 eXpress HD, LogiLink VG0022A, Athlon XP
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Re: Some minor bugs and improvements

Postby SuppaMan150150 » Mon Apr 01, 2019 3:22 pm

Which hardware do you use?
Do you use DVB-T/T2 C/C2 or S/S2?
I use a DVB-T BDA device (REALTEK DTV Filter).
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Re: Some minor bugs and improvements

Postby alexi » Tue Apr 02, 2019 2:24 am

Which hardware do you use?
Do you use DVB-T/T2 C/C2 or S/S2?
I use a DVB-T BDA device (REALTEK DTV Filter).
I do not use DVB Dream: v3.7.1. I want to install it in a few days.
Blindscan on my Skystar 2 eXpress HD (DBV-S/S2) works fine with older Version of DVBDream v3.?.
Blindscan on my LogiLink VG0022A (DVB-T/T2) does not workwith older Version of DVBDream v3.?. Seems to be not supported.

What is the exact name of your DVB-T device?

Skystar 2 eXpress HD, LogiLink VG0022A, Athlon XP
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Re: Some minor bugs and improvements

Postby SuppaMan150150 » Tue Apr 02, 2019 6:28 pm

I tested the feature with some of my devices and i confirm it crashes with:
- REALTEK DTV Filter (my main device)

- AF9015 BDA Filter (both the devices have the same name, the one without the enclosure is DIKOM branded, and the SKY one is a clone of AVerMedia A867 USB DVB-T that works with the same drivers)

- PCTV 70e BDA 2870 TVTuner

All of them are DVB-T (only).
However, I wrote that list of bugs with a version of DVBDream older than the 3.7.1 (I'm almost sure it was 3.6), but the bug are still here, so it's valid.

I found another bug: when I do a manual scan it does not save the LCN number of all channels (also if the LCN checkbox is selected in the auto scan tab).
Just can't stay away
Joined:Mon Jul 26, 2010 9:55 am

Re: Some minor bugs and improvements

Postby alexi » Wed Apr 03, 2019 1:24 am

to blindscan:
I don't know these devices.
You can test Crazyscan on sourceforge, there is a list of supported devices. Use Crazyscan for blindcan and put results manually in DVBDream.Please report results of test of crazyscan.
I used this method successfully with my DVB-S2 Skystar 2 eXpress HD card in the past when DVBDream did not yet support blindscan.

to LCN:
I think LCN is not used in my country on DVB-T.I can't help.

Skystar 2 eXpress HD, LogiLink VG0022A, Athlon XP

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