Real-time renderer has 'gone missing'

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Real-time renderer has 'gone missing'

Postby Rick » Mon Jun 18, 2018 9:21 am

My DVBdream real-time video renderer has stopped functioning in the last few weeks (I'm not sure exactly when as I don't use it every day). I still get audio and signal strength indicators OK just no picture. If I record the programme (either by timer or simply by pressing Record) and then play the resulting file using VLC, I get sound and vision correctly. I'm fairly sure I haven't changed any settings but I have been through them all and they look correct. This is happening on a fairly high spec machine running W10 Pro fully up to date with all MS's updates, receiving terrestrial Freeview channels
I have tried completely uninstalling v3.4 (which first demonstrated the problem) and doing a cold install of v3.5 on it. It behaves the same. I have also tried installing 3.5 on an older PC running W7 and everything works correctly (using the same aerial feed).
Anyone got any suggestions that might help please?
Regards, Rick
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Re: Real-time renderer has 'gone missing'

Postby rel » Sun Oct 28, 2018 3:30 am

you need to install a few more video and audio codecs. and try combinations in your video options dialog (CTRL + G)

install the latest LAV codecs.
Install all the codecs below: ... .02__a.exe ... m_win7.rar

make sure you change H264 and AAC codecs and video/audio renderers too, until you find the best and working codec combination for you
DVB Dream - because I have to dream about having time to code it

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