TBS6910 - dvb dream 34 - PC freeze

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TBS6910 - dvb dream 34 - PC freeze

Postby stepanst1stepan » Mon Jan 29, 2018 8:48 am


I have TBS 6910, when I try to record something with dvb dream it works fine. But when I try to set up scheduler, then hibernate pc. When it start it always freeze win7 after 2 minutes left. There is no evident reason, no programs runs. No respond from keyboard or mouse... no heating problem with pc... this problem occurs only when I run scheduler, windows is stable otherwise... only way how to bring pc live is restart on the case.


I try to reinstal windows and start fresh instalation (just drivers of hardware including TBS, and your program) but problem persist.

This problem occurs just in case when pc run something from scheduler. This PC I used with old TBS card and your program (older version than 34 work almost fine every time).

I have also idea to run it in different pc's I try another two. Where in one case I had same problem. So when I tested on 3 pc's, 2 of has same bug. 1 works fine. But I dont want to run it on it. (Always with windows 7). Therefore I think this is not problem of hardware (TBS card).

Get back to older version dvbdream also doesnt work.

Also I try to install new drivers ... it doesnt helped.

My Hardware is not new but worked till now.
CPU - AMD Athlon64 X2 5600+
Motherboard - Asustek M2A-VM-HDMI
RAM - 4GB frequency is set up by bios as automatic
Graphic is part of motherboard ATI Radeon X 1200

I spend almost 16 hrs with it to figure it out... but now I have no clue what else I can try....

Thanks for advise if it happends to someone else...

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Re: TBS6910 - dvb dream 34 - PC freeze

Postby rel » Sun Mar 11, 2018 9:47 am

Hi Stepen,
check out the "command line switches" section in DVB Dream help file (Main menu->Help->Help)
Try these commands to start / stop a record from command line (in dvbdream folder in cmd)

If things work fine, then you can use Windows scheduler manually or use an alternative scheduler. (just by adding these command switches to scheduled items, to start/stop record)

I another command scheduler (3rd party)
A google search comes up with these as alternative schedulers for Windows:
https://www.apowersoft.com/windows-task ... ative.html

DD uses Windows Scheduler, and it has been quite a headache, I cannot reproduce problems etc.. Maybe all because of user/admin-rights etc.
DVB Dream - because I have to dream about having time to code it

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