EPG+ caracter problems with hungarian language

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EPG+ caracter problems with hungarian language

Postby lnyari11karamel » Wed Nov 01, 2017 2:10 pm

At the 0.8W Thor 5, 6, 7, Intelsat 10-02 by the provuder UPC Direct (1536) the hungarian caracters appearing wrong in EPG+:
wrong = good ; WRONG = GOOD
Âa = á ; ÂA = Á
Âe = é ; ÂE = É
Âi = í ; ÂI = Í
Âo = ó ; ÂO = Ó
Âu = ú ; ÂU = Ú
Čo = ö ; ČO = Ö
Ču = ü ; ČU = Ü
ĺo = ő ; ĺO = Ő
ĺu = ű ; ĺU = Ű
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Re: EPG+ caracter problems with hungarian language

Postby Betatester » Thu Jan 04, 2018 11:29 am

Helphul remark for @rel: probably UPC is using ISO6937 encoding. Maybe it would need some manual workaround - I saw that on Linux E2 receivers ISO6937 has to be enforced manually for UPC.
TBS 6925/6983

Dish: 90cm
Satellites: Hot Bird (13.0°E), Astra 1 (19.2°E), Astra 2 (28,2°E), Eutelsat 9A (9°E)
LNB's: Triax Twin
DiSEqC: WaveFrontier

Computer: Intel Core i5 760 - 2,8 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 128 GB SSD + 2x 1TB HDD, nVidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti, OS: Windows 10
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Re: EPG+ caracter problems with hungarian language

Postby HoldemanoLinos » Mon Jan 08, 2018 3:06 am

Helphul remark for @rel: probably UPC is using ISO6937 encoding. Maybe you need some Proextender and some manual workaround - I saw that on Linux E2 receivers ISO6937 has to be enforced manually for UPC.
How do you do that, Betatester? Is there anywhere a guide on how to enforce ISO6937 manually?
Last edited by HoldemanoLinos on Thu Oct 14, 2021 7:55 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: EPG+ caracter problems with hungarian language

Postby Betatester » Wed Jan 10, 2018 7:29 pm

In Linux receivers there is file encoding.conf in /usr/share/enigma2/

Sample content:

Code: Select all

#Fallback encoding when in dvb-text no encoding table is given
#Countycode encoding, encoding may be ISO8859-X, ISO6937, UTF8,
# UTF-8,GB18030(GB2312/GBK/CP936), BIG5(CP950),
ara ISO8859-6
tur ISO8859-9
gre ISO8859-7
ell ISO8859-7
pol ISO8859-2
rus ISO8859-5
bul ISO8859-5
tha ISO8859-11
cze ISO6937
ces ISO6937
slo ISO6937
slk ISO6937
chi GB18030
zho GB18030
chn GB18030

#Fallback encoding when in dvb-text no encoding table is given
#and no Countrycode and no transponders configs in this config file
* ISO8859-1

#Sorry for that.. in DVB Spec this is the default behavior
#when no other encoding is given in dvb-texts..
#but this breaks too much providers yet..
#so our default is ISO8859-1 without two char byte encoding
#So all transponders which needs this must be listed here
0xa08c 0x016e #Horizons 2 85.0°E 12160 H
0x00c 0x1 #Thor 0.8°W
0xaf2 0xbb #Thor 0.8°W
0x2be 0x600 #Thor 0.8°W
0x2bf 0x600 #Thor 0.8°W
0x2bd 0x600 #Thor 0.8°W
0x2c0 0x600 #Thor 0.8°W
0x2c1 0x600 #Thor 0.8°W
0x2c2 0x600 #Thor 0.8°W
0x2c3 0x600 #Thor 0.8°W
0x2c4 0x600 #Thor 0.8°W
0x2c5 0x600 #Thor 0.8°W
0x2c6 0x600 #Thor 0.8°W
0x2c8 0x600 #Thor 0.8°W
0x436 0x1 # Astra 19.2°E 11.973 V - MTV Networks Europe
0x42a 0x1 # Astra 19.2°E 11.739 V - MTV Networks Europe
0xc23 0x3 # Astra 23.5°E 10.803 H - CS Link / SkyLink
0xc85 0x3 # Astra 23.5°E 11.797 H - CS Link / SkyLink
0xc89 0x3 # Astra 23.5°E 11.876 H - CS Link / SkyLink
0xc8f 0x3 # Astra 23.5°E 11.992 H - CS Link / SkyLink
0xc93 0x3 # Astra 23.5°E 12.070 H - CS Link / SkyLink
0xc95 0x3 # Astra 23.5°E 12.109 H - SkyLink
0xc9a 0x3 # Astra 23.5°E 12.207 V - SkyLink
0xbc6 0x3 # Astra 23.5°E 12.525 V - CS Link / SkyLink
0xbc7 0x3 # Astra 23.5°E 12.565 H - SkyLink
200 318 #Hotbird Eutelsat (Eurosport)
300 318 #Hotbird Eutelsat (Eurosport, Animal Pl.HD)
400 318 #Hotbird 13.0 Cyfra+
700 318 #Hotbird 13.0 Cyfrowy Polsat
1000 318 #Hotbird 13.0 Grupa ITI
1100 318 #Hotbird 13.0 Cyfra+
1500 318 #Hotbird 13.0 Cyfra+
1600 318 #Hotbird 13.0 Cyfra+
2800 318 #Hotbird 13.0 MTV Networks (Comedy Central)
7400 113 #Hotbird 13.0 Cyfrowy Polsat
7800 113 #Hotbird 13.0 Cyfrowy Polsat
7900 113 #Hotbird 13.0 Cyfrowy Polsat
8100 113 #Hotbird 13.0 Universal (Cyfra+)
8100 318 #Hotbird 13.0 Eutelsat (Universal)
8900 318 #Hotbird 13.0 BBC Brit HD Poland
11000 318 #Hotbird 13.0 Cyfra+
11400 318 #Hotbird 13.0 Cyfra+
11600 318 #Hotbird 13.0 BBC HD, ITI
11700 318 #Hotbird 13.0 Eurosport2
11900 318 #Hotbird 13.0 Cyfra+
12200 318 #Hotbird 13.0 Disney Channel Polska and other
12800 318 #Hotbird 13.0 Viacom ... MTV / VH1 Polska
13000 318 #Hotbird 13.0 BBC Polska and other
13100 318 #Hotbird 13.0 Crime and Investigation
13200 113 #Hotbird 13.0 Cyfrowy Polsat
15700 318 #Hotbird 13.0 Belgium Satellite Services - TV DISCO
#Fallback encoding table for single transponders
#ISO6937 also enables two byte char encoding
20400 126 ISO8859-9 # Digital Platform 7°E
20500 126 ISO8859-9 # Digital Platform 7°E
20600 126 ISO8859-9 # Digital Platform 7°E
20700 126 ISO8859-9 # Digital Platform 7°E
20800 126 ISO8859-9 # Digital Platform 7°E
20900 126 ISO8859-9 # Digital Platform 7°E
21000 126 ISO8859-9 # Digital Platform 7°E
21100 126 ISO8859-9 # Digital Platform 7°E
21200 126 ISO8859-9 # Digital Platform 7°E
41200 126 ISO8859-9 # Digital Platform 7°E
50100 126 ISO8859-9 # Digital Platform 7°E
50200 126 ISO8859-9 # Digital Platform 7°E
50300 126 ISO8859-9 # Digital Platform 7°E
50400 126 ISO8859-9 # Digital Platform 7°E
50500 126 ISO8859-9 # Digital Platform 7°E
50600 126 ISO8859-9 # Digital Platform 7°E
50700 126 ISO8859-9 # Digital Platform 7°E
50800 126 ISO8859-9 # Digital Platform 7°E
50900 126 ISO8859-9 # Digital Platform 7°E
51000 126 ISO8859-9 # Digital Platform 7°E
51100 126 ISO8859-9 # Digital Platform 7°E
20101 42 ISO8859-9 # Digital Platform 42°E
50600 42 ISO8859-9 # Digital Platform 42°E
40901 42 ISO8859-9 # Digital Platform 42°E

#Fallback encoding table
#If string has no encoding id, encoding name has a option 'N' or 'NOID' first split by ':',
# and no space char between the option and the encoding name.This will fix for UTF16
# or UNICODE strings that no encoding id. usage:
#countrycode N:UNICODE
And there are possibilities to set chars encoding manually by:
- country
- general fallback for everything (*)

In DVB Dream I'm not aware of such workaround, but that's not the point ;) This will need to be fixed by @rel, just mentioned that adding support for ISO6937 is probably way to fix this as UPC is known to use this encoding ;)
TBS 6925/6983

Dish: 90cm
Satellites: Hot Bird (13.0°E), Astra 1 (19.2°E), Astra 2 (28,2°E), Eutelsat 9A (9°E)
LNB's: Triax Twin
DiSEqC: WaveFrontier

Computer: Intel Core i5 760 - 2,8 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 128 GB SSD + 2x 1TB HDD, nVidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti, OS: Windows 10
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Re: EPG+ caracter problems with hungarian language

Postby lnyari11karamel » Fri Jan 19, 2018 4:51 pm

Thank you for the answer, but I use DVBDream with Windows. So I think, I need to waiting, maybe in the next upgrade they will solve this bug.
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Re: EPG+ caracter problems with hungarian language

Postby rel » Wed Jan 24, 2018 11:25 am

If you can send me some sample stream for me to check the problem, I'll try to fix it.

How to capture a sample stream

1) Depending on the device you got there, you might first need to enable "Full TS" mode in device options & restart DD
2) start "TSWriter2" (or "Stream Recorder") module (under DD main menu->Modules) on the problematic transponder, record about 100 mb
3) upload file to somewhere (pcloud.com, justcloud.com, dropbox, google drive etc). and send links to me

For now you can try a work around, see if it helps:
Options->Preferences->Localization->EPG Code Page
DVB Dream - because I have to dream about having time to code it
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Re: EPG+ caracter problems with hungarian language

Postby lnyari11karamel » Mon Jan 29, 2018 5:59 am

I had send the sample stream dropbox link in e-mail. Thanks for your work.
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Re: EPG+ caracter problems with hungarian language

Postby lnyari11karamel » Mon Mar 26, 2018 3:04 am

In the 3.5 version the UPC Direct (NID:1536) the hungarian caracter encodig working fine now. Thank you.
But in this case the DigiTV (NID:1) hungarian caracter encoding is wrong.
For me this is the better case, because I have more channel by UPS than DigiTV.
In the previous version (3.4) it was vice versa.

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