france TNT somme channel missing

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france TNT somme channel missing

Postby legrandmechantloup » Thu Jun 01, 2017 2:12 pm

I m under windows 10 Home 64 bit and un use USB key PCTV 340e using a hub Dlink (DVB H7).I am in the trial period so only test until now DvbDream ( DD) .
The channel i should receive are list in wikipedia.
In the capture screen all the multiplex SGR1 1080i ( HD) are missing . Some HD like SD channel in multiplex appear ...So very strange .

I discover cyberlink PowerDirector ( CPD) support capture DVB stream ( with some freeze and lot of latency when switch to others channels ) using DiBcom DBA Digital Tuner ( DEv 2 PAth0) since the DVB usb key can also capture analog signal using composit connector ( Red White Yellow connector ) . The capture screen show that CPD detect the channel "France 2" that is multiplex in R1 SGR1 with others HD channels . Power director let us choose Country item for DVB that perhaps help CPD searching multiplexes and channels. But really strange channel France 2 appear in CPD but after scan nothing now . I have many DVB TRial software install now to test them all ( usb DVB device is very hot after many scan ) .

So the issue is not hardware nor driver but DVB Dream only . Is it a bug or some specification not cover ( implemented) by hardware of driver or software or wrong configuration in user level ? . Does genpix SW3 is the best driver in my case ?

NB Is there a recommandation for best USB hub with multi TT for manage many DVB /DAB ...usb keys ?
NB the capture screen in DVB Dream capture black video , but with PowerDirector the capture screen show the real content of video so we can see the channel content . perhpas because the technology to rendering the content are not the same beetween CPD or DD since i capture screen using the same tool (Microsoft print screen key / debut from NCH) .
pctv340e_powerDirector_setting.png (7.48KiB)Viewed 15995 times
pctv340E_canal_multiplex_DVBDream.jpg (182.68KiB)Viewed 15995 times

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