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TBS 6902 - Transponder scan problem

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 11:59 pm
by milan.lacza.user
My old Skystar HD 2 was replaced with new TBS 6902 card. My problem is following: When I try to scan (any one - full / automatic / manual ) satellite 23,5 East (Astra 3A), card is able to tune only one transporder. Other 55 are just quickly jumped over - no channels fund.

With S***DVB and TBS 6902 I can tune all channels (55 transponders / hundreds of channels) on Astra 3A / 23.5 East. CrazyScan shows also everything. My previous casrd (Skystar HD 2) was also albe to tune everything.

I have also SG2100 motor, other satellites like Astra 28,2 East, Astra 19,2 East, Thor 0,8 West are working well with TBS 6902. Only Astra 3A 23,5 East does not work correctly. Can You help ?

Re: TBS 6902 - Transponder scan problem

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 11:16 pm
by milan.lacza.user
Hi again.
I see that s***DVB has in Devices folder file called , DVBdream has also the same folder, but different file.
This file is not compatible between the players, I can not copy it, it will not be recognized in DVBdream.
I am quite sure that the problem is in DVBdream device file. Device itself (I mean the card TBS 6902) can be tuned with s***DVB without problems.
Can anyone help and provide correct device file ?

Re: TBS 6902 - Transponder scan problem

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 10:29 pm
by milan.lacza.user
Hi again.

I took the DVBdream 2.9 OEM from the TBS download web pages. And what happend ? With 2.9 OEM version I can scan all 55 transporders on Astra 3A, 23.5 East. I am wondering how this can be possible. Commercial version DVBdream 3.2.1 does not work, but DVBdream 2.9 OEM works just fine.
OEM has limitations, but the major limitation had Version 3.2.1 - if you can not tune channels, it is the major limitation.

Please, take over the 2.9 OEM vesion tuning module to the commercial version. It is not the file in Devices folder as I assumed previously. There must be other files.

Re: TBS 6902 - Transponder scan problem

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 9:03 am
by rel
weird, there no big changes related to TBS drivers.
Did you test OEM and FULL version by using the the same TBS driver version ?
Try to copy conf.ini from drivers\bda_extensions folder of OEM version to the same folder in FULL version, and try again.
Also copy settings.cfg file from the root folder of OEM version to root folder of FULL version.

Do not touch !(Full and OEM versions should have own