DVB Dream uses Windows Task Scheduler. So if you don't run DVB Dream as admin (espcieally in Windows 8 and 10, right click Run as Admin) , it might not be able to delete the scheduler item from Windows Task Scheculer. Btw, after removing it from scheduler list, you need to manually stop recording, that is the expected behaviour. but recording should not repeat.
Hmm that is weird, it recorded Tuesday 23:10 but it is already out of the Windows Task Sheduler I'll have to wait until next Tuesday for now. I had to kill the process and manually record it with TT-Viewer to avoid stuttering.
You need to find what causes that. Check if there are packet losses (main menu->analysis->Info bar) Check your CPU usage druing those stutterings (maybe some external program uses CPU or harddisk extensively for a second)
How am I going to check for this? The stuttering was/is only in the pre-programmed recordings.
update: I just had 2 packet loses
update 2: it's now 5 packet loses
Also you can test with VLC (download&install VLC, then stream to VLC , main menu->tools->vlc) That way you can use VLC's player functionality to see if the stream is imcompatible with the codec selected in DVB Dream etc. There have been chases for signal lose / noise in cables cause bad packets, and also hardware related prbolems motherboard/graphic card cause such.
I streamed it to VLC what now?