Special Slovak characters in EPG and OSD are correct, but they are incorrect/missing in status bar and in recorded file:
Incorrect name: tvanec
Correct name: Štvanec
Recorded file is: 20160923_235905 tvanec TV JOJ
It should be" 20160923_235905 Štvanec TV JOJ
Another issue, some (or all) special lowercase and some uppercase characters are displaying correctly in the status bar, but they are all missing in the recorded file.
I'm using EPG code page "Auto" option, I tried all others, but non of them are working, for Slovakia "Central European" option should be used, but it's missing.
BTW: other options than "Auto" display wrong characters, but they are the same in OSD and status bar, the problem is, that some special characters are missing in the recorded file.
For me the status bar text is not so important, but missing characters in the recorded files are not good, sometimes there are multiple special characters and the name is just few letters and spaces between them and it's not even readable.
DD 3.1.1, Windows 10 64-bit EN.
3.1.1 - EPG special characters issue
Moderators:X05, Dreamer, FredB
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- ddepgScreenshot_09232016_235547.png (27.55KiB)Viewed 18649 times
Re: 3.1.1 - EPG special characters issue
Yea, DD is not unicode for now. Only EPG is expected to show all special characters.
Other parts need whole new DD with new tools. I am thinking on writing new DD GUI from the scratch, stopping the support for older Windows versinos. That will make a lot of things more modern by using the latest OS features etc
Other parts need whole new DD with new tools. I am thinking on writing new DD GUI from the scratch, stopping the support for older Windows versinos. That will make a lot of things more modern by using the latest OS features etc
DVB Dream - because I have to dream about having time to code it
Re: 3.1.1 - EPG special characters issue
I think it would be a good decision, I'm looking forward.
As workaround, what about replacing special characters instead of removing, just for the saved file names, some programs are able to to this. Most special characters in the status bar are correct, the problem is that they are missing in the saved file name.
I don't know if this would be possible, but if the special characters would be replaced with non-special characters, perhaps they would be displayed "so so". Even if the source character is not correct, non-special character would be acceptable.
I created the list of most (probably not all) characters and the characters for replacement (for the other program):
Ľ|Š|Č|Ť|Ž|Ý|Á|Í|É|Ú|Ä|Ô|Ň|Ó|Ď|Ĺ|Ŕ|Ř|Ů|Å|Ø|Š|Ž|Õ|Ä|Ö|Ü|À|Â|Ç|É|È|Ê|Ë|Î|Ï|Ô|Ù|Û|Ü|Ÿ|Ž| |Š|Č|Ć|Đ|Á|É|Í|Ó|Ú|Ā|Ē|Ī|Ū|Č|Š|Ž|Ļ|Ķ|Ņ|Ģ|Ö|Ü|Ő|Ű|Ä|Ö|Ü|Ë|Ï|Ą|Ć|Ę|Ł|Ń|Ó|Ś|Ź|Ż|Ă|Â|Î|Ș| |Ț|Ñ|Å|Ä|Ö|Ç|Ş|Ğ|Ă|Â|Đ|Ê|Ô|Ơ|Ư|ľ|š|č|ť|ž|ý|á|í|é|ú|ä|ô|ň|ó|ď|ĺ|ŕ|ř|ů|å|ø|š|ž|õ|ä|ö|ü|à|â| |ç|é|è|ê|ë|î|ï|ô|ù|û|ü|ÿ|ž|š|č|ć|đ|á|é|í|ó|ú|ā|ē|ī|ū|č|š|ž|ļ|ķ|ņ|ģ|ö|ü|ő|ű|ä|ö|ü|ë|ï|ą|ć|ę|ł| |ń|ó|ś|ź|ż|ă|â|î|ș|ț|ñ|å|ä|ö|ç|ş|ğ|ă|â|đ|ê|ô|ơ|ư
L|S|C|T|Z|Y|A|I|E|U|A|O|N|O|D|L|R|R|U|A|O|S|Z|O|A|O|U|A|A|C|E|E|E|E|I|I|O|U|U|U|Y|Z| |S|C|C|D|A|E|I|O|U|A|E|I|U|C|S|Z|L|K|N|G|O|U|O|U|A|O|U|E|I|A|C|E|L|N|O|S|Z|Z|A|A|I|S| |T|N|A|A|O|C|S|G|A|A|D|E|O|O|U|l|s|c|t|z|y|a|i|e|u|a|o|n|o|d|l|r|r|u|a|o|s|z|o|a|o|u|a|a| |c|e|e|e|e|i|i|o|u|u|u|y|z|s|c|c|d|a|e|i|o|u|a|e|i|u|c|s|z|l|k|n|g|o|u|o|u|a|o|u|e|i|a|c|e|l| |n|o|s|z|z|a|a|i|s|t|n|a|a|o|c|s|g|a|a|d|e|o|o|u
Workaround #2 - I found that if I don't use "Auto" option for EPG code page, then special characters are displayed as two characters, first one is completely wrong character and the second one is right the standard non-special character, for example, when using Latin:
Šport (correct) > &port (EPG, &=char. I can't type here) > _Sport (recorded file name)
So this is much better, the problem is that it must look bad in EPG to look better in the recorded file.
Could you add another / separate EPG code page option just for the recorded filename?
When using the other code page option, good standard characters are saved to recorded file name, together with space or "_" character, this character is unwanted, could you replace it with no character? Here is example:
Ničitelia mýtov (correct name)
Ni&citelia m&ytov (epg)
Ni itelia m tov (recorded file name with AUTO option)
Ni_citelia m_ytov (recorded file name with non-AUTO option)
Nicitelia mytov (recorded file namewith non-AUTO option and without "_" characters)
So even the name with "_" char is better and the last one would be the perfect workaround. Is it possible?
As workaround, what about replacing special characters instead of removing, just for the saved file names, some programs are able to to this. Most special characters in the status bar are correct, the problem is that they are missing in the saved file name.
I don't know if this would be possible, but if the special characters would be replaced with non-special characters, perhaps they would be displayed "so so". Even if the source character is not correct, non-special character would be acceptable.
I created the list of most (probably not all) characters and the characters for replacement (for the other program):
Ľ|Š|Č|Ť|Ž|Ý|Á|Í|É|Ú|Ä|Ô|Ň|Ó|Ď|Ĺ|Ŕ|Ř|Ů|Å|Ø|Š|Ž|Õ|Ä|Ö|Ü|À|Â|Ç|É|È|Ê|Ë|Î|Ï|Ô|Ù|Û|Ü|Ÿ|Ž| |Š|Č|Ć|Đ|Á|É|Í|Ó|Ú|Ā|Ē|Ī|Ū|Č|Š|Ž|Ļ|Ķ|Ņ|Ģ|Ö|Ü|Ő|Ű|Ä|Ö|Ü|Ë|Ï|Ą|Ć|Ę|Ł|Ń|Ó|Ś|Ź|Ż|Ă|Â|Î|Ș| |Ț|Ñ|Å|Ä|Ö|Ç|Ş|Ğ|Ă|Â|Đ|Ê|Ô|Ơ|Ư|ľ|š|č|ť|ž|ý|á|í|é|ú|ä|ô|ň|ó|ď|ĺ|ŕ|ř|ů|å|ø|š|ž|õ|ä|ö|ü|à|â| |ç|é|è|ê|ë|î|ï|ô|ù|û|ü|ÿ|ž|š|č|ć|đ|á|é|í|ó|ú|ā|ē|ī|ū|č|š|ž|ļ|ķ|ņ|ģ|ö|ü|ő|ű|ä|ö|ü|ë|ï|ą|ć|ę|ł| |ń|ó|ś|ź|ż|ă|â|î|ș|ț|ñ|å|ä|ö|ç|ş|ğ|ă|â|đ|ê|ô|ơ|ư
L|S|C|T|Z|Y|A|I|E|U|A|O|N|O|D|L|R|R|U|A|O|S|Z|O|A|O|U|A|A|C|E|E|E|E|I|I|O|U|U|U|Y|Z| |S|C|C|D|A|E|I|O|U|A|E|I|U|C|S|Z|L|K|N|G|O|U|O|U|A|O|U|E|I|A|C|E|L|N|O|S|Z|Z|A|A|I|S| |T|N|A|A|O|C|S|G|A|A|D|E|O|O|U|l|s|c|t|z|y|a|i|e|u|a|o|n|o|d|l|r|r|u|a|o|s|z|o|a|o|u|a|a| |c|e|e|e|e|i|i|o|u|u|u|y|z|s|c|c|d|a|e|i|o|u|a|e|i|u|c|s|z|l|k|n|g|o|u|o|u|a|o|u|e|i|a|c|e|l| |n|o|s|z|z|a|a|i|s|t|n|a|a|o|c|s|g|a|a|d|e|o|o|u
Workaround #2 - I found that if I don't use "Auto" option for EPG code page, then special characters are displayed as two characters, first one is completely wrong character and the second one is right the standard non-special character, for example, when using Latin:
Šport (correct) > &port (EPG, &=char. I can't type here) > _Sport (recorded file name)
So this is much better, the problem is that it must look bad in EPG to look better in the recorded file.
Could you add another / separate EPG code page option just for the recorded filename?
When using the other code page option, good standard characters are saved to recorded file name, together with space or "_" character, this character is unwanted, could you replace it with no character? Here is example:
Ničitelia mýtov (correct name)
Ni&citelia m&ytov (epg)
Ni itelia m tov (recorded file name with AUTO option)
Ni_citelia m_ytov (recorded file name with non-AUTO option)
Nicitelia mytov (recorded file namewith non-AUTO option and without "_" characters)
So even the name with "_" char is better and the last one would be the perfect workaround. Is it possible?
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