I am getting an error 0418 unauthorized user

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I am getting an error 0418 unauthorized user

Postby adamf154 » Fri Apr 22, 2016 3:02 am

Hi im getting unauthorized user 0418 error, it only started coming up the other day after i had to reinstall windows, and i looked it up and seen that apparently you need to buy dvbdream for each pc you have it on - since when ???, i have been using it on 2 pc's for over a year and not had any problems with it so far.

i uninstalled it of one of my pc's but the other one is still giving me the error after i had to uninstall it and reinstall it, and keeps shutting down, i have stuff in the scheduled recording section and none of that will get recorded if it keeps shutting itself down when it starts up to record, so can someone let me know what to do and how to totally delete the registration code from my other pc, as it must be lingering somewhere, even though i have uninstalled it if i reinstalled it it would just be registered.

Any quick help would be appreciated thanks
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Re: I am getting an error 0418 unauthorized user

Postby gedrutgedrut11 » Tue May 03, 2016 12:56 pm

I have licence for full DVBdream version. When i start the program i get message "Error:0418-Unauthorized user". In forum I found info, that is because I installed DVBdream on two separate PC. I simply didn't knew that doing it will cause a problem. How can I fix it? I will use DVBdream only on one PC from now on.

Thanks for help!!
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Re: I am getting an error 0418 unauthorized user

Postby rel » Mon May 09, 2016 8:51 am

If the problem has happened because of multiple installation of DVB Dream, please write in PM your login IDs (given when you purcshase DVB Dream)
I will need to restart your account.
You need to buy a new licence for each DVB Dream installation on a different computer
DVB Dream - because I have to dream about having time to code it
Alexandre Antunes
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Re: I am getting an error 0418 unauthorized user

Postby Alexandre Antunes » Tue Aug 01, 2017 3:12 am

Error: 0418 - Unauthorized user estou tambem com o mesmo problema eu usava o crak e nao tinha problemas agora comprei o programa e so problemas vou ao paypal abrir desputa quero o meu dinheiro de volta so enganar as pessoas isto e o k ....
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Re: I am getting an error 0418 unauthorized user

Postby rel » Sat Sep 23, 2017 7:00 am

Error: 0418 - Unauthorized user estou tambem com o mesmo problema eu usava o crak e nao tinha problemas agora comprei o programa e so problemas vou ao paypal abrir desputa quero o meu dinheiro de volta so enganar as pessoas isto e o k ....
write your user ID in private message here
DVB Dream - because I have to dream about having time to code it

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