I have Windows 7 and Windows 8 on the same machine.
Here are the rough specs of my system.
One AVERnedia ATSC card
One FusionHDTV 7 Dual input ATSC Card
One DVBSky 952 Dual input DVB-S2/S Card, similar to Mystic
Running Intel I3 on an ASROCK 77? motherboard.
Had the following installed before loading DVBDream.
Windows 7 has
FusionHD software installed
AVERmedia control center installed
NEXTPVR installed, and
DVBViewer installed.
Windo 8 has none.
Windows 7 is the production system. All software works reasonably well but looking to integrate ATSC and Satellite into one package.
The following additional software was considered.
DVBViewer loads all cards, but gave me problems with recording (stutter) and needs further investigation. Works fine otherwise.
NEXTPVR doesn't handle satellite dishes with motors very well, otherwise works fine.
FusionHD and Avermedia either do not have good English support or continue support for the respecitive card. Neither as good as NEXTPVR or DVBViewer.
MediaPortal does not yet have satellite dish motor support in production, but supposedly has an addon. Need to find and try.
ProgDVB would not recognize cards.
DVBDream was my last hope. At last, I get Error Code 6 in both Windows 7 and Windows 8. Search for info on this error but could not find much relating to it that is applicable to my system. Since it failed in Windows 7 with fully working programs like it and also failed in Windows 8 where it was the only program of its kind, I have to conclude that there is perhaps a bug somewhere.
If anyone has any thoughts on what to try, I will give it a go. The answer may lie in figuring out why DVBViewer works and DVBdream doesn't. Both seem to be very good packages in all other measures. Until I can work this out, I'll have to workout the smaller glitches in DVBviewer/MediaPortal/NextPVR.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Error Code 6
Moderators:X05, Dreamer, FredB
Re: Error Code 6
ATSC is not supported on DVB Dream, neither those cards. Since they have BDA drivers, it can be recognized as a legitimate device on DVB Dream but they won't work actually. ATSC might be supported in future but there don't seem to be enough users to spend time and resources on that.
DVB Dream - because I have to dream about having time to code it
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