Please follow these steps:
* 1) Send Automatic Eurekalog bug report (Best way)
If you come across a crash problem , in most of cases, you will see following Eurekalog dialog:

* If you can't send automatic bug report (due to your firewall/router settings), please try to send screenshot from this dialog. (Just press ALT+PrintScreen, and copy paste to PaintBrush) . You can send this shot as email or attach on the forum.
* 2) Send Log files;
If the issue you saw doesn't bring Eurekalog dialog, then you should send your log files. We will need following files:
1. dvbdream.log
2. bda.log (for BDA devices)
3. psiparser.log and rec_mng.log (if they are available)
* In both cases, you should also specify when/how bug happened. (Just writing steps to reproduce bug). We'd rather prefer a forum post for bug reports.
If you can send both of eurekalog report CallStack tab screenshot and log files for bugs, that will be best way.
* Read this nice article: How to Report Bugs Effectively
* When you see any scan or MPG-record issues , you must send a sample stream for further experiment and more extended observation of the problem.
How to capture a sample stream
1) enable "Full TS" mode in device options, restart DD
2) start "Stream Recorder" module on the problematic transponder, record about 100 mb
3) upload file to somewhere (FTP). If you dont have any FTP space, ask for FTP server via rreloc at yahoo dot com.