Cannot use CAM with DVB Viewer and TBS 6991

oldest posts, i.e. the issues probably dont exists or not valid anymore for the up-to-date DD version. Please let us know if the problems still exist.

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Joined:Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:57 am
Cannot use CAM with DVB Viewer and TBS 6991

Postby l33pruk » Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:41 am

Hello everyone,

I recently purchased DVB Dream and I love the software. It seems very straightforward.

However, I am having trouble viewing/streaming ANY scrambled channels. I have 2 CAM/CI cards in my TBS6991 but DVB Dream's TBS CI tool is not opening at all. I cannot seem to be able to descramble these channels.

I am running Win7-x64 with DVB Dream 1.7a.

Please help me.

Thank you!
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Joined:Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:57 am

Re: Cannot use CAM with DVB Viewer and TBS 6991

Postby l33pruk » Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:00 am

I would like to update the thread because I figured out the problem, hopefully someone will find it useful.

The CAMs were incorrectly inserted into the PCI card. They must be inserted with logos facing down.

Now all is working properly, though now I have a VLC-related problem playing 2 streams concurrently.

Thank you!

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