dreamstart.exe is discovered as a virus?

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dreamstart.exe is discovered as a virus?

Postby spadkobierca1 » Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:16 am

Hi all,
I focused that during scan, my F-Secure CS 9.2 found file dreamstart.exe
from C:\dvbdream folder like a Suspicious:W32/Malware!Gemini . Somebody have met with this one yet?
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Re: dreamstart.exe is discovered as a virus?

Postby genpix » Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:14 am

Somebody have met with this one yet?
Sorry, there is no button "Somebody have met with this one yet?" here.
But there is a "Search" button which immediately give you several threads exactly like your question.
Do you really want to show your ignorance with the very first post (especially, placing it in "Bug Reports" section, when ... there is no bug in the file you mentioned, it's a "bug" in your anti-virus program?).
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Re: dreamstart.exe is discovered as a virus?

Postby poppo » Wed Mar 28, 2012 6:52 am

Its not even identified as virus or malware its classified ass suspicious just send this file fo AV manufacturer for analysis and after that and some time this warning will disappear :)
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Re: dreamstart.exe is discovered as a virus?

Postby spadkobierca1 » Thu Mar 29, 2012 12:04 am

Thanks, poppo, :D I thought about this and I wrote in this matter to F-secure's technical support yet, but it was first one when something like this happend with DVBdream me (I have used this software since 2007). Now I have confirmation checking this file by F-Secure.

To genpix, I thought that this is seriously forum for seriously people, who don't get advices like "check in google" or "try search" (I can use this tools - believe me). Before I wrote this post, I made researching in this theme including F-Secure forum, so next time my advice for you: don't write what do you think, only think about what do you write - almost the same, but what big difference :mrgreen:

Best reagards for all
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Re: dreamstart.exe is discovered as a virus?

Postby genpix » Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:58 am

To genpix, I thought that this is seriously forum for seriously people, who don't get advices like "check in google" or "try search" (I can use this tools - believe me). Before I wrote this post, I made researching..
Sorry, but I can not "believe" you (or simply take your word) on this matter.
Try to do a Search (Search link is in top right corner of this page, just after FAQ link) for term "virus".
Open couple of recent threads (besides the one which you started) and tell me how they are different from yours?
If you can explain me the difference then I may start to "believe" you.
And just out of curiosity, have you tried the advises in those threads? didn't they help you?
so next time my advice for you: don't write what do you think, only think about what do you write - almost the same, but what big difference :mrgreen:
Let me get it straight.
Your first post was a clumsy one (without doing a simple search; I repeat, simple search, you don't need to go through tons of unrelated pages, the relevant information is on the very top), and in the second post you are starting to teach everybody good manners and give ridiculous advises (it may have prevented you from posting all this nonsense if you were following your own advises).
I can only imagine what it gonna be (yes, I have a wild imagination) when you'll make your third post. :shock:

added: in the previous thread, poppo gave exactly the same advise as here. So, how come you think that his advise is relevant now, and was not relevant then? :roll:

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