tired of reinstalling because of double channels scan issue

oldest posts, i.e. the issues probably dont exists or not valid anymore for the up-to-date DD version. Please let us know if the problems still exist.

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tired of reinstalling because of double channels scan issue

Postby lilmale1 » Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:51 am

i am wondering if everytime i scan i get double channels

i mean like alot, of them. i notice am i only able to scan once or twice
and then i get doubles alot

oh, and are all ini files acceptable under dvbdream.

i keep deleting the original ones after reinstalling a couiple of times i get tired because i think i can find missing channels and i get doubles alot

is there a compadibility isssue with ini or do i just have to reinstall with

where can i get a full set of ini for dvbdream only. thanks dvbdream

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Postby genpix » Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:25 am

your "double channels" can well be a result of wrong INI files you are using.
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Postby rel » Mon May 17, 2010 11:04 pm

probably related to different ini files.

there is a feature on new DD versions to help
right click on channel list, click on "remove duplicates"
DVB Dream - because I have to dream about having time to code it

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