How to store channels after scan? I

oldest posts, i.e. the issues probably dont exists or not valid anymore for the up-to-date DD version. Please let us know if the problems still exist.

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Joined:Sun Nov 29, 2009 3:54 am
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How to store channels after scan? I

Postby mocall » Mon Nov 30, 2009 10:23 am

Dear Forum,

This is my first post in this forum I kmow
someone will help.

I am new to DVB TV & not a techi.
I am running XP MCE +Compro S350 DD "V1.4i"
Having setup DD & scanned for channes I then need to store them
& I don't know how.
I have to scan every time i start the software
I found a tutorial but the screenshots don't match the sequence
I did'nt mention storing channels.

Please Help


I am away for the next three weeks
so if I don't reply , forgive me
DVB Dream 1.4i / XP MCE / Compro S350

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