OSD for DVBEPG in fullscreen

oldest posts, i.e. the issues probably dont exists or not valid anymore for the up-to-date DD version. Please let us know if the problems still exist.

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OSD for DVBEPG in fullscreen

Postby jeger2 » Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:40 am

I've noticed a bug thats more of a feature. I run Vista with intervideo codecs, but had this same trouble when running XP.

Normally when in fullscreen mode when i change chanels DVBEPG doesnt display it's OSD. But if i switch codecs alot until i hit a bug that opens a blank activemovie window, then when i close the active movie window DVBEPG displays it's OSD in fullscreen mode. Wondering if there is a way to make this bug happen more reliably, or if this is even the fault of DVBDream or DVBEPG.

Any help would be appreciated.
TWINHAN 1022A/P4 3Ghz/ATi x300

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