Can't get DvbDream to work!

oldest posts, i.e. the issues probably dont exists or not valid anymore for the up-to-date DD version. Please let us know if the problems still exist.

Moderators:Dreamer, FredB

Joined:Tue Mar 04, 2008 1:33 pm
Can't get DvbDream to work!

Postby famusc » Tue Mar 04, 2008 1:36 pm

I've got a Cinergy Hybrid T XS FM and I'm usignd Vista x64.

First of all, I always get "Incompatible codec..." whenever I try to change video or audio codec. I've tried all the codecs but nothing.

The most important problem is that channel scan doesn't work: it find nothing. It says "no signal" for all the frequencies.

I live in Italy.

Please help me.

Terratec Cinergy Hybrid T XS FM - Vista x64

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