H264 and Nvidia PureVideo ?

General discussion . (Do not post bug reports or feature requests in this section!)

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Postby jbash » Sat Nov 25, 2006 11:09 am

URP !!!!

Well, I was very confused !
Now it's clear.

Thank you very very much for your explanation.
Just popping in
Joined:Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:24 pm

Postby Gianni » Thu Nov 30, 2006 11:48 am

with me it works ok, very low cpu load
iMac 2017, Geniatech TV stick dvb-t2
in 2006: Dell Inspirion 9400, i core2 duo, Nvidia 7900GT, Pinnacle hdtv usb2
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Postby patdufo » Mon Jan 01, 2007 12:25 pm

In dvb dream it gives option for nvideapure but says h264 core seems to work well [low cpu],in my theatre nvidea shows up under filters and has a box to use hardware acceleration,tried with off and on with half cpu use on,so I believe nvidea h264 works with latest hd drivers.
twinan 102G.evga7600pci expres,fx-55@2.93mgh;1gig pci5000,nvideapure,cyberlink7

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