old lav codecs

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un malato di cuore
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Joined:Thu Aug 24, 2017 11:37 am
old lav codecs

Postby un malato di cuore » Mon Sep 25, 2017 1:03 am

hi, i have installed dvb dream that has inside the lav codec 0.69
in my pc i have installed the new 0.70.2 codecs,
but when i press the search button inside dvb dream (search for new codecs),
it answer me: no new codecs found, if you think to have new codec installed,
put them inside...ecc...ecc.
i found hard to put them inside because i don't know which files or folders
put inside the program.
someone can help me to have dvb dream with the latest lav codecs ???
thank very much.
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Re: old lav codecs

Postby rel » Sun Nov 12, 2017 7:42 am

do not worry, it probably recoghized the new version already, just check in DVB Dream video settings window ( it displays codec version)
DVB Dream - because I have to dream about having time to code it

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